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UniSport has released a number of publications related to the operations of UniSport Australia, advocacy of the University sport sector and additional items important to the sector, including the below.

Strategic Plan 2022-2025

The Value of Sport

Strategy 2020

The Case for Change


Strategic Plan 2022-2025

UniSport Australia’s Strategic Plan 2022-25 involves some significant shifts, including our ambition to be an integral partner to Australian universities and to deliver an outstanding student experience. The new four year strategic plan outlines how UniSport intends to achieve this success by undertaking credible research projects and partnerships to help better articulate the value of sport; deliver outstanding sport programs locally and internationally; assist in the health and wellbeing of students by sport participation; and continue to focus on delivering value to all university members, all underpinned by the principles of inclusivity and diversity.

December 2021

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Strategic Plan 2022-25

The Value of Sport

Advocacy Paper

The benefits of a university education extend far beyond the individual graduate. There are countless examples of innovation, philanthropy and creative works contributed to society by university graduates. Universities are not just providing education; they are developing leaders of our community.

June 2021

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The Value of Sport

Strategy 2020

Repositioning UniSport Australia


UniSport Australia's Strategy 2020 outlines an ambitious agenda reflecting confidence, that in partnership with members, we can continue to elevate the relevance, value and importance of university sport and enhance the quality of the higher education experience, while contributing to students' health, fitness and wellbeing. Ultimately, this will support the development of well-rounded graduates, with skills and attributes beyond the classroom, ready to pursue a fulfilling future balancing work and life.

November 2017

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Stratey 2020

The Case for Change


Transitioning from the Australian University Games to a divisional, national championship model.

The decision to introduce change to the Australian University Games event delivery model stemmed from a number of drivers, including evidence from substantial research and extensive member consultation. The paper also discusses several external drivers as well as opportunities presented by the changing nature of the broader Australian sporting landscape.

July 2017

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The Case for Change
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