UniSport Media Release
For release: 30 September 2023
Tight Tussle continues for UniSport Australia Nationals Champions
After seven days of competition on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Kombumerri land, UniSport Australia (UniSport) closed the event with The University of Sydney and the University of Technology Sydney both remaining on top of the overall national champion tally for 2023 with both universities currently sitting on 12 pennants each. It now leaves an exciting challenge for both universities with Nationals T20 Cricket Championships in Adelaide, the last sport of the year to determine the title winner.
The 2023 UniSport Nationals - Gold Coast appreciated wonderful strategic support from partners, Tourism and Events Queensland and Major Events Gold Coast, in hosting this year’s event. Highlights from the week included the addition of new sports AFL 9s, Oztag, and Rugby League 9s; competition at world class Cbus Super Stadium and the addition of Unity Day to celebrate inclusion across our student cohort. This week over 6,000 student-athletes representing 41 member universities competed across 31 sports.
UniSport announced the Spirit Champion University, which is awarded to the university which has displayed the most exemplary spirit throughout the event. Votes are submitted daily by competition managers, university team managers, UniSport staff and event volunteers. The John White Spirit Trophy was awarded to Western Sydney University.
UniSport Acting General Manager - Nationals Sport Program, Christine Voge paid tribute to all participants for the spirit in which they played the seven days of competition. “Congratulations to all competing teams, universities and officials on a wonderful week of competition, in particular, congratulations to the four universities who won the regional spirit champions and Western Sydney University for winning the overall spirit champion award,” Voge said.
Congratulations to the following universities on their spirit champion awards from the 2023 Nationals - Gold Coast.
Overall Spirit Champions
Ron Leahy Trophy - North Spirit Champion - Griffith University
Spirit of South Award – South Spirit Champion - Monash University
Ben Tjen & Shane Alvisio Trophy – East Spirit Champion – Western Sydney University
West Spirit Trophy – Edith Cowan University
Voge also acknowledged the contribution of the Queensland sporting community including national and state organisations, officials, Sport Medicine Australia staff and especially all the volunteers for embracing the experience to make the event a wonderful success and positive experience for all student-athletes.
UniSport now look forward to awarding the overall champion title at the end of the year following T20 Cricket championships in November.

About UniSport Nationals
UniSport Nationals provide an opportunity for students at our 42 member universities from across Australia to compete head-to-head in the only national standard university sporting competitions.
Nationals are comprised of our flagship event, UniSport Nationals, and several standalone national championships throughout the year.
The winners from each sport in UniSport Nationals will be combined with the winners of the various Nationals Championships throughout the year to name one university the Overall Nationals Champions.
Over 6,000 students across 31 sports and 32 sporting venues will compete for their respective national title. The event will be supported by over 200 volunteers as well as local and state sporting organisations to deliver the individual competitions.
The 2023 UniSport Nationals is supported by Major Events Gold Coast and the Queensland Government through Tourism and Events Queensland, and it features on the It’s Live! In Queensland events calendar.
About UniSport
UniSport Australia (UniSport) is the peak body for university sport in Australia. 42 universities are members of UniSport, representing a population of over one million students. UniSport’s ambition is to become an integral partner of Australian universities to deliver an outstanding student experience at our national intervarsity sports competitions. UniSport is also committed to advocate on the value of sport on student experience.
More information on UniSport: www.unisport.com.au
For more information please contact:
Christine Voge
Acting General Manager - National Sport Program
Mobile: 0412 930 457