We lost a dear colleague and friend this week with the passing of Kim after a long battle with illness. Many of you have known Kim, and may have experienced the opportunity to work with or befriend her. I had both opportunities, and consider that a privilege. Kim served on the Board of UniSport Australia from May 2010 to May 2016. She held several executive positions on the Board, and most importantly, as the Chair of our Finance and Risk Management Committee (FARM). With fastidious attention to detail (many will relate to that), and applying the values of accountability and transparency, Kim’s work with the FARM Committee influenced the maturation of UniSport as an organisation. The quality and standards of our financial reporting provides ongoing evidence of the legacy of Kim’s contribution. Having served as Executive Director of UQ Sport from 2002 – 2011, Kim also understood the membership of UniSport. Her work at UQ Sport is respected to this day. Kim kept her cards close. I learned this the hard way on the links of St Lucia Golf Course one afternoon having accepted an ill-fated challenge – loser buys dinner. Kim described the standard of her game as “average to pretty good” (characteristically understated - that was code for just over or under par). I bought dinner that evening – she demolished me. Over a glass of red, Kim committed to nominating for the Board. An expensive dinner, but what an investment. Kim believed in trust and collegiality - demonstratively. That collegiality could lead to friendship with Kim, while at the same time never crossing professional boundaries or standards. Some reading these words will relate to that as well. Kim’s last executive role in the higher education sector was as the CEO and Director of Campus Life at Macquarie University (MQU), a position she was appointed to in 2015. Kim’s last major project as part of that role was a strategic review of MQU Sport. Sophie Curtis told me about Kim’s last meeting with sport staff before she went on leave. Sophie shared this: “Kim was totally optimistic about how the review would see sport at MQU thrive and come out on top – her spirit was motivational and enthusiasm contagious. It is a legacy that will not be lost." Kim fought her illness with silent courage for so long that most of her friends and colleagues were incredulous and shocked by her passing. None were prepared. With deepest sympathies to Kim’s family, friends, and colleagues; we lost Kim far too soon. On behalf of the Board and 43 member universities of UniSport Australia, Don Knapp
A service will be held for Kim at 11:00am on Wednesday 26 September at the Great Southern Memorial Park, 1774 Mt Cotton Rd, Carbrook QLD.