Mental Health & Wellbeing
Where can I get help if I am feeling suicidal?
If you, or someone else, is at immediate risk of suicide, call triple zero (000) for an ambulance now.
If you are in a personal crisis or feeling suicidal, contact:
Please refer to Health Direct where you can find information and support around the following:
Mental Health Support
What is mental health?
Why is good mental health important?
What things can affect mental health?
Improving mental health and wellbeing?
Where can I get help if I am feeling suicidal?
Relationship issues
Bullying and harassment
Work or study stress
Financial stress
Substance abuse
Grief and loss
Support for mental illness
Support for mental health issues
Additional resources
ReachOut.com is a youth mental health service. Visit their website for online help.
Headspace provides mental health support for ages 12-25. Visit their website, call them on 1800 650 890, or make an appointment at your nearest headspace centre.
Kids Helpline is available for ages 5-25. Visit their website or call them on 1800 55 1800.
If you are caring for an older person with a mental health condition, you can visit My Aged Care for support and information.