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Career Resources

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Opportunities for internships are available in a number of areas for UniSport Nationals including sport administration, event operations, sponsorship and media. Interns typically dedicate one/two days per weeks leading up to the event and full-time across the event delivery period.

Roles also exist to intern alongside staff in our head office in the areas of high performance, administration, and development. Interns usually work one or two days per week for a set period of time and roles can be located in any of our offices. Find out more about 2024 internships here.

Opportunities currently available:

Applications are now open!




UniSport Australia offers a comprehensive volunteer program for those wanting to be involved in the UniSport Nationals. We are looking for people who:


  • want to develop new skills;

  • want to make industry contacts;

  • want to receive on-the-job training;

  • want to be involved in an event;

  • love sport;

  • are proactive;

  • take initiative to get the job done; and

  • want to meet new people. 

We have a wide range of volunteer roles in the areas of results, sport administration, medal ceremonies, event operations, journalism, photography, and social media. Roles are for the event delivery period only and are flexible to meet your needs.

All of our volunteers receive inductions and training, meals during their shift, a uniform pack, and a certificate of participation upon request.


Vacant Positions

Special Projects Logistics Coordinator - application close 21 June

Operations Assistant Interns

Special Events and Partnerships Assistant Interns

Sports Assistant Interns

Workforce Assistant Interns

Stay up to date with future opportunities by following us on LinkedIn.

Positions available
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